The Indonesian National Police has prepared 455 personnel to secure the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs participating in the 2024 elections that have been determined by the General Election Commission (KPU).
Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Police Sandi Nugroho said that the security of the presidential and vice presidential candidates was part of Operation Mantap Brata 2023-2024 which was held during the election stage.
“A total of 455 personnel are members of the task force for securing presidential / vice presidential candidates for the 2024 elections,” said Sandi Nugroho on Thursday, October 19, 2023.
The Security Task Force for the presidential candidate consists of the Head of Sub Task Force, Aid de Campe (ADC) or aide, advance, personal guard, traffic guard, security and observation, and health such as doctors, paramedics, and ambulance drivers.
Sandi explained that the Head of the Sub Task Force consisted of three personnel with the rank of Senior Police Commissioner, ADC adjutants amounted to 56 people consisting of 14 middle officer personnel; 12 officer personnel; and 30 non-commissioned officers.
Furthermore, 12 advanced consisting of 12 middle-rank personnel and 48 officers; personal bodyguards of as many as 12 officers or non-commissioned officers, 84 non-commissioned officers or enlisted men, and 24 non-commissioned officers; traffic guards of as many as 12 officers, 24 non-commissioned officers, and 36 non-commissioned officers.
Meanwhile, the security and observation team consists of 12 officers/non-commissioned officers, 24 officers/non-commissioned officers, 24 non-commissioned officers/enlisted men, 12 non-commissioned officers, and 36 non-commissioned officers/enlisted men. Then, personnel for the health sector (doctors, paramedics, ambulance drivers) as many as 12 officers / civil servants, 12 non-commissioned officers / civil servants, and 12 non-commissioned officers.
According to Sandi, the personnel of the Task Force for the security of presidential and vice presidential candidates participating in the 2024 Election began to be attached after the determination of candidate pairs (paslon) by the KPU on November 13, 2023.
Personnel involved in the Pam Capres / Vice Presidential Task Force are personnel who are trained and pass special selection for VIP and VVIP security.