Home » Gibran Opens His Voice About ‘yellowing’, Coming to Golkar’s Anniversary Today
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Gibran Opens His Voice About ‘yellowing’, Coming to Golkar’s Anniversary Today

Prospective vice presidential candidate (bacawapres) from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), Gibran Rakabuming Raka confirmed that he would attend the Golkar Party’s 59th anniversary celebration in Jakarta, Monday (6/11).

However, the eldest son of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) claimed that he did not know that he would be announced as a member of the Golkar party, aka ‘yellowed’.

“No. The plan wasn’t like that [announced as a Golkar cadre]. Just going to the [Golkar] anniversary,” said Gibran after attending the Haul Achmad Zayadiy Notokartono event at the Az-Zayadiyy Islamic Boarding School in Solo, Monday (6/11) early morning.

The news of Gibran’s joining the Golkar Party was first conveyed by PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto.

Hasto admitted that he received a telephone call from the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto. Airlangga said via telephone that Gibran – who was originally a PDIP cadre – would become a member of the Golkar party.

When confirmed regarding Hasto’s statement, Gibran was reluctant to answer.

“Yes, please ask Mr. Hasto,” he replied in response to the journalist’s question.

Previously, after opening the DPP PDIP NTB Coordination Meeting in Mataram at the end of last week, Hasto told reporters, “We have received a call from the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, that Mas Gibran has been ‘yellowed’, at Golkar.”

That way, Hasto said that Gibran was automatically no longer a PDIP cadre. Apart from that, he also said that Gibran had sent a letter of resignation from the party, so that political ethics were fulfilled.

Separately, Golkar Party DPP Chairman Dave Laksono also opened his voice in response to Hasto’s statement.

He did not directly answer the news about Gibran becoming a Golkar cadre, and it is likely that this will be announced on Monday (6/11), which coincides with the peak celebration of the party’s 59th anniversary.

Dave just asked the public to wait and Airlangga would deliver.

“Wait tomorrow [Monday] Ketum [Airlangga Hartarto] will tell you,” said Dave when confirmed, Sunday

Separately, Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Nurul Arifin, said that the highlight of Golkar’s 59th anniversary today was a single event without any other additional events.

He denied that the banyan party’s anniversary event would be the momentum for the announcement of Gibran Rakabuming as a cadre.

“There is no other political agenda as previously reported,” said Nurul in a written statement.

Apart from that, Nurul said that the anniversary event was also an internal agenda which would only be attended by internal party cadres and DPD representatives throughout Indonesia.

Source: CNN
