Home ยป Indonesia to Focus Hydrogen Technology for Transportation Sector in New Renewable Energy Efforts
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Indonesia to Focus Hydrogen Technology for Transportation Sector in New Renewable Energy Efforts

Indonesia has been preparing itself for new renewable energy (EBT) by developing green hydrogen technology which could become beneficial to the transportation sector.

The hydrogen EBT potential that comes from hydropower plants (PLTA) is currently spread across North Kalimantan, Aceh, West Sumatra, and Papua. Indonesian government claimed these new renewable energy plants possess 3,000 GW capacity.

Currently, Indonesia is utilizing around 12.5 GW from EBT plants. However, the government is optimistic that it could increase electricity production from new renewable energy sources to 21 GW as per PLN’s Electricity Supply Business Plan 2021-2030.

“Multi-tech benefits from various energy sources focusing on emissions reduction is inevitable in order to pursue the net zero emission (NZE) target for a greener future. Especially concerning the transportation sector, predicted to become the main focus of decarbonization,” President Director of PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) Nandi Julyanto said.

“As a solution to public transportation in Indonesia, public advocacy through a national seminar will present the social-economic challenges and the digital transformation to pursue alternative energies in the transportation sector for NZE 2060 in Indonesia which focuses on the hydrogen technology,” he added.

Hydrogen utilization is also in line with the decarbonization mission of the manufacturing sector by 2050, ten years earlier than its initial target.

On the other hand, the Ministry of EMR has conducted the Renewable Energy Based in Industrial Development (REBID) program using PLTA, solar plants, hydrogen, biomass, and geothermal.

According to the Vice President Director of PT TMMIN Bob Azam, Indonesia is currently pursuing NZE by conducting multi-parties to create three ecosystems, namely biofuel, batteries, and hydrogen. For hydrogen, he said, it involved Pertamina, PLN, a fertilizer company, and Samator.

“With various national hydrogen strategies conducted by all parties, Indonesia has a significant potential to develop green hydrogen to catch up with its global competitions,” he concluded.

Source: Tempo.co
