Home » Indonesia Welcomes Malaysia’s Support for the Development of IKN
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Indonesia Welcomes Malaysia’s Support for the Development of IKN

Indonesia welcomes the interest of Malaysian investors to invest in the development of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN). When giving a joint press statement, President Joko Widodo stated that there were eleven letters of intent that had been signed by the Malaysian private sector in participating in the development of IKN.

“Eleven letters of intent have been signed by the Malaysian private sector and submitted to the IKN authorities which are engaged in electronics, health, waste management, construction and property,” the President said in a statement at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, on Monday, January 9 2023.

In addition, during the official visit of Prime Minister (PM) Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim, Indonesia and Malaysia also agreed on a number of memoranda of understanding (MoU).

“A number of MoUs in the field of shipping, export-import financing, green energy, development of the battery industry and others have also been signed,” he continued.

In his statement, President Jokowi said that Indonesia and Malaysia had agreed to strengthen ASEAN. “We agree that ASEAN must be able to play a central role in making the Indo-Pacific region peaceful, prosperous and stable,” said President Jokowi.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, PM Anwar Ibrahim said that Malaysia was showing an open attitude by providing support for the development of IKN in East Kalimantan Province. PM Anwar Ibrahim believes the construction of the IKN will provide positive benefits for both Indonesia and Malaysia.

“Therefore, we are taking a positive approach, namely looking for ways so that the growth of the Archipelago National Capital will also benefit areas that include Sarawak and Sabah,” said PM Anwar Ibrahim. (Kemensetneg Public Relations)

Source: Set Neg
