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Garut Develops Leuwi Kanjeng Dalem Tourist Attraction

The Garut Regency Government continues to strive to develop natural and water tourist attractions to attract tourists. One of the tourist attractions that continues to be developed is Leuwi Kanjeng Dalem, in Cikondang Village, Cisompet District, which offers exclusive body rafting tours and water games.

The Regent of Garut, Rudy Gunawan, said that attracting tourists to his area must be done in various ways. For this reason, his party must go into the field to ensure that this natural tourism area can be visited by families without any age restrictions. “One year from now there will be an exclusive area here, namely 4,000 durian plants and avocados.

“Apart from that, there are also various kinds of coconuts, ranging from fragrant pandan coconuts, kopyor coconuts, to green coconuts, as well as mangoes, rambutans, petai plants and jengkol,” he said, Friday (3/11) during a visit to Leuwi Kanjeng Dalem. He said, This tourist attraction is a hidden gem in South Garut Regency. This area is special because there is the Cisanggiri River. To get to this location, it takes 2.5 hours to travel from Garut city center.

This area, which is still hidden, still has coolness, beauty, beauty and comfort as a tourist attraction that is worth the effort to reach it. “We will plan to plant thousands of plants and trees to increase the beauty of nature. We invite the public to bring their families to enjoy a holiday at Leuwi Kanjeng “Dalem, because this location can be enjoyed by tourists of all ages,” said Rudy.

According to him, Leuwi Kanjeng Dalem is a tourist attraction discovered in 2015. This area offers a beautiful panorama and comfortable atmosphere. Currently, this tourist attraction is managed by the Garut Tourism Department by providing body rafting and water play games. “The Leuwi Kanjeung Dalam area also offers “a variety of fruits. At this location there are also facilities for BMX bicycles, camping areas, offroad,” said Rudy. (SG)

Source: Media Indonesia
