The early moderate movement is not only rolling among kindergarten (TK) and madrasah students.
This program is now being held among pesantren. One of them is as practiced by Pesantren Tahfidz Al Kaukab, in Gunung Putri, Bogor.
In this pesantren, which is cared for by KH Khoirul Huda Basyir, the effort to strengthen moderation from an early age is packaged with the commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad.
The event was attended by hundreds of Santri who were also students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) and Madrasah Aliyah(MA).
Religious Moderation Working Group Lukman Hakim Saifuddin on the occasion introduced the Santri to the main teachings (Ushul) and branches (furu’) in religion.
According to the man who is familiarly called LHS, the perspective on Ushul and Furu’ is important, so that Santri can understand and respond to the diversity of understanding and views in a good and moderate manner, not extreme or excessive.
LHS then explained a number of the main values of religious teachings. First, humanizing human beings.
“Islam is present so that human dignity is maintained. Humans have an important task as managers of the universe,” said LHS in Bogor, on Saturday, October 14, 2023.
LSH said the second value is upholding justice and equality before the law. According to LHS, people who are right should be appreciated, while those who are wrong should be punished.
“No one agrees with the practice of differentiating treatment to someone based on differences in background (ethnicity, religion, social status, and others). This is not recognized in religion,” LHS said.
Another core value of religion is to build mutual benefit. Therefore, destructive behavior must be avoided. This is because the essence of Islam is to build mutual benefit.