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Indonesia Urges Israel to Stop Attacking Hospitals

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi called on Israel to stop killing civilians and attacking civilian facilities, such as hospitals, mosques, and churches, in the Gaza Strip.

“Please obey international humanitarian law. The United States Secretary-General once reminded regarding laws at war,” she stated in a video recording delivered by the Foreign Affairs Ministry on Monday.

Marsudi then confirmed that the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza would continue to operate to treat victims of the Israel-Hamas conflict despite fuel supplies running low.

The minister also continues to communicate with three MER-C volunteers — Fikri Rofiul Haq, Reza Aldilla Kurniawan, and Farid Zanzabil Al Ayubi — at the hospital to ensure their safety.

The three Indonesian volunteers chose to stay in Gaza to continue their humanitarian work.

The Indonesian Hospital in the Gaza Strip is the only hope for Palestinians in northern Gaza amid increasing attacks from Israel that has been bombarding the region non-stop since Palestinian militant forces, Hamas, attacked Israel on October 7, 2023.

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MER-C humanitarian organization volunteer Fikri Rofiul Haq stated that several fatalities and injured victims were rushed to the Indonesian Hospital, as it was the only health service with adequate facilities in northern Gaza.

“Indonesian Hospital is the largest hospital in northern Gaza. Many injured and dead victims were brought here,” he told ANTARA on November 4.

However, the Indonesian Hospital in the Gaza Strip is currently experiencing an energy crisis due to no electricity network. The hospital currently only relies on two generators for its operation.

Unfortunately, one of the two generators was damaged, while the other generator that was still functioning was constrained by limited fuel supply.

The limited fuel is caused by the Israeli blockade that prevents supplies from entering the Gaza Strip.

“The Indonesian hospital actually has solar panels, but they can only be used during the day and cannot power all hospital equipment. Therefore, we still rely on the generator,” Haq revealed.

He also said that currently, more than two thousand refugees are accommodated in the Indonesian hospital.

Source: ANTARA News
