Home » Indonesian Police Encourages People to Reject Abstention in the 2024 Elections
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Indonesian Police Encourages People to Reject Abstention in the 2024 Elections

Inspector of General Supervision (Irwasum) of the National Police, Komjen Pol Ahmad Dofiri, reminded the public not to abstain from abstention and spread hoax news ahead of the 2024 elections.

He emphasized that although political choices may differ, the common goal must remain focused on nation and state development.

“Do not abstain, do not spread hoax news on social media. Do not manage others, choices may differ but our goals are the same for the nation and state,” said Ahmad Dofiri when giving a briefing at the LDII National Meeting at Ponpes Minhaajurrosyidiin, Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, on Thursday, November 9, 2023.

In addition, Dofiri also highlighted the role of the National Police in maintaining Kamtibmas as a prerequisite for state development, including securing major government projects, tackling climate change, terrorism, social conflicts, and implementing elections.

“The task of the police is to participate in the welfare of society,” he said.

Furthermore, the former police chief emphasized the importance of cooperation with all parties so that all police tasks can run according to public expectations.

“Because the police cannot carry out the task alone because the Kamtibnas problem is a joint problem,” he added.

Dofiri emphasized that the police must participate in the welfare of society while highlighting the importance of cooperation with all parties to handle Kamtibnas challenges together.

