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Reject Coldplay Concert, Activists Seek Support From Indonesian Regional Representative Council

Several activists came to the residence of the Chairman of the Indonesian Regional Representatives Council (DPD RI), AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti to convey their aspirations to reject the Coldplay concert which will be held November 15, 2023, at GBK Senayan.

They believe Coldplay will fill the show with a campaign to support LGBTQ, as has been done in several countries in their concerts.

“We are not anti-music concerts at all, but this one music group has indeed been proven and has a track record of LGBTQ campaigns everywhere,” said PA 212 Secretary General, Uus Soliudin, on Thursday, November 9, 2023.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Yani from the National Anti-LGBT Movement (Granati LGBT) added that the LGBT movement has begun to enter almost all elements of society in Indonesia. It even began to influence policymakers to smooth their agenda through legislation.

“Of course, LGBT is not in line with our constitution. Moreover, the First Precept of Pancasila, it is clear that we are a country of God Almighty, “explained Ahmad Yani.

He also requested that DPD RI make various efforts through its authority to prohibit the concert.

“We want this show not to happen. We hope that DPD RI will convey this to the police, not to issue licenses for concerts that are clearly against our constitution, “said Ahmad Yani.

In line, Granati LGBT spokesman Novel Bamukmin hoped that DPD RI could bridge his party with concert organizers, including from the Kemenkopolhukam, Kemenparekraf, and Police Headquarters so that there would be a mutual agreement on this matter.

“We hope there is a memorandum of agreement that there is no LGBT content at the concert. We will hold an action on Friday, November 10, 2023, to several of these agencies. Furthermore, if there is no response either, at the concert we will hold a standby action around GBK,” said Novel.

In response, the Chairman of DPD RI emphasized that his attitude remained the same when about 5 months ago he received an audience from a group that also rejected the Coldplay concert.

“At that time, several elements had also conveyed their aspirations and I had given a clear statement regarding this matter,” LaNyalla explained.

