The Directorate of Drug Crimes(Dittipidnarkoba) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will conduct raids on entertainment venues.
This step is to suppress narcotics circulation before the turn of the year.
“In the framework of this new year, we must be active. Next year soon, we want to raid all entertainment venues and it is mandatory to raid them so that narcotics circulation can be suppressed,” said the Director of Narcotics at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Brigadier General Pol Mukti Juharsa, quoted on Wednesday, November 22, 2023.
Mukti further explained that drug trafficking usually increases at the turn of the new year. Moreover, currently, many new types of drugs are being produced.
“Yes, everywhere in the new year a lot of goods (drugs) enter. For example, there is Cladistlab (Clandestine Lab), there are ‘banana chips’, this is a new year phenomenon,” he said.
According to Mukti, drug raid patrols are not only carried out in big cities but also in all regions in Indonesia.
“Not only in Jakarta, (but also) throughout Indonesia we raid. If necessary, I will send a team there,” he explained.