The Regional Legislation Affairs Committee(BULD) of the House of Regional Representatives (DPD) RI is currently facing unrest with the central government regarding the withdrawal of mining licensing authority, to the provincial government. In its implementation, the withdrawal of this authority is expected to result in vulnerability and conflict of interest.
“For this reason, we pay serious attention to the mining, forestry, and environmental sectors which are focused on regional efforts in implementing policies in the regions after the enactment of the Minerba Law and the Job Creation Law and its derivatives,” said Chairman of BULD DPD RI Stefanus BAN Liow during the ‘Central and Regional Legislation Consultation Meeting’ at the Banten Governor’s Office, on Thursday, November 16, 2023.
He added that in this case, the regions do not need to worry about the authority of DPD RI to monitor and evaluate the draft regional regulations and regional regulations.
DPD RI through BULD as an organ that has this task, has one of the programs, namely monitoring the government’s follow-up on the recommendations contained in DPD RI Decision Number 28 / DPD RI / II / 2022-2023 concerning Monitoring and Evaluation of Draft Regional Regulations and Regional Regulations related to licensing in the mining, forestry and environmental sectors.
“For this reason, we consider it necessary to get input from the regions regarding developments on licensing issues in the mining, forestry, and environmental sectors,” said Stephen.
This Senator from North Sulawesi assessed that the presence of DPD RI was precisely to bridge regional interests if there were obstacles in the process of forming regional regulations. In addition, the DPD RI also positions itself to provide strengthening to the regions within the framework of harmonizing central and regional legislation.
“DPD RI encourages regional regulations to be in line with regulations set by the center and vice versa so that regulations set by the center accommodate regional interests,” he said.
DPD RI member from East Nusa Tenggara Province, Abraham Liyanto said BULD DPD RI is here to bridge regional interests so that there is no debate on licensing authority. Constitutionally, the authority of mining, forestry, and environmental licensing is controlled by the state both from the New Order era and until now.
“Is this a fair distribution? Of course not. We see in NTT, the distribution is uneven,” he said.
On the same occasion, the Acting Governor of Banten Province Al Muktabar welcomed the consultation on central and regional legislation organized by BULD DPD RI. According to him, Banten Province continues to improve itself to increase economic growth and reduce poverty.