Home » Constitutional Court prepares itself ahead of 2024 general elections
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Constitutional Court prepares itself ahead of 2024 general elections

 Constitutional Court (MK) Chief Justice Anwar Usman stated that the court continues its preparations ahead of the upcoming general elections in 2024.

During MK’s Special Plenary Session on the 2022 Annual Report here on Wednesday, the chief justice noted that MK is tasked with resolving disputes in election results, as mandated by the Constitution.

“Hence, the Constitutional Court continues exerting its best efforts to prepare all aspects to ensure the smoothness and quality of election result disputes’ handling,” Usman stated.

He affirmed that the court will focus on organizing activities related to elections, including technical assistance on MK’s procedural law with all political parties participating in the 2024 elections.

The MK will also organize workshops on administration for all its employees, improve its IT facilities and equipment, and prepare the court building facilities, the chief justice remarked.

Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed hope that the MK would prepare itself to become a fair arbiter for the 2024 elections.

“We hope the Constitutional Court would make thorough preparations to be a fair arbiter for those in dispute, whether it (concerns) disputes in the legislative elections, presidential elections, or regional elections,” Jokowi said in his remarks during the special plenary session.

The president also pushed for the quality of MK’s decision to be reflected in the speed at which it was issued. According to the head of state, justice delayed too long is justice denied.

“We need to exert our effort to ensure the 2024 General Elections will be the medium to prove Indonesian democracy’s quality and to elect trustworthy leaders to achieve our national goals,” he said.

Source: antaranews
