Home » Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Promises to Immediately Solve Food Problems in Papua
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Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Promises to Immediately Solve Food Problems in Papua

Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman promised to accelerate handling of food problems in Papua. He said this was a mandate from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

“God willing, we will handle Papua’s food problem in a short time. That is the order of the President and the Vice President,” said Andi Amran while attending the TNI National Food Security Movement event in Bekasi, Wednesday (1/11/2023).

Andi explained that he had sent a team to solve the food problem in Papua. He has also prepared seeds that are suitable for the climatic conditions in Papua.

“God willing, this week our team has been moving there since 3 days ago. This week we, our team, are leaving again with the Minister (PMK) Pak Muhajir to an area where it is said there is hunger,” explained Andi.

“There we will provide plants that are suitable for local conditions. Because the climate is very cold. So we have found seeds that we can plant, in an area at an altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level. God willing, that can be resolved in the future,” he said.

He explained that apart from being suitable for plants in cold climates, they are also adapted to people’s consumption habits. He revealed that synergy between lines is needed in dealing with food security which is a reflection of a country’s resilience.

“In Papua we plan to be more specific. So we plant food according to local wisdom, there are tubers suitable for our brothers and sisters, then sago and so on,” explained Andi.

“This is a joint movement. Food security is synonymous with national resilience. If we are able to survive the economic crisis, we will get through it. We will get through the COVID-19 health crisis. But if the food crisis can change the political crisis, so we have to really work together “Just look after him,” he concluded.

Source: DetikNews
