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Caring for Wounds, Growing Hope

The story of a small wound that led to amputation above the calf was discussed at the 13th Certified Wound Care Clinician Associate (CWCCA) training on Thursday (26/10).

For four days, the training was held at UB Guest House, Malang, East Java. The training targets nurses, health students and doctors who want to improve their skills in caring for diabetes wounds, wounds caused by cancer and acute wounds caused by surgery or trauma.

Not only offline training, CWCCA also regularly holds online learning events. One of the participants was Zulfi Rizky RSU Wahidin RSU Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, South Sulawesi. When attending the Webinar he was still wearing a blue surgical gown. He followed via Zoom and then the recording was broadcast on the Wound Care YouTube account belonging to PedisCare, a clinic affiliated with CWCCA.

The training mentor, Mohammad Sybro Mulis, Amd. Kep showed a photo when the wound was still gaping, spreading and blackening to the fingers and soles of the feet, leading to amputation which apparently triggered repeated wounds due to dead tissue. “Amputation, which diabetes patients often have to experience, was one of the cases we handled on September 17 2022. After amputation, it doesn’t mean the problem is over.

“Your image and self-concept will be affected, for Mr. A, who we are discussing, this is also made worse because his lifestyle is not good, he still drinks sweet tea and the condition of the stitches in the fatty tissue, which has the potential to cause new wounds,” said Sybro, who is also Head of the Wound Care Division. PedisCare.Sybro explains in detail the types of medicines for cleaning and eliminating odors, washing and handling procedures, including removing dead tissue.

“When we were treated, we even had to treat the patient in the car because his condition didn’t allow it. With the various actions taken, on October 10 the wound was visible and new tissue was growing on November 28 2022. On December 22 2022 I received a report, the wound had closed. 100%. “Furthermore, we provide education so that new wounds don’t occur by maintaining cleanliness and providing lotion,” said Sybro at an unpaid educational webinar held directly from the PedisCare location on Jalan Banten No. 6, Penanggungan, Klojen, Malang City, East Java.

Treating and educating NS. Ahmad Hasyim Wibisono, S. Kep. M. Kep. M.Ng, 36, founder and CEO of PedisCare, who also initiated CWCCA, explained that they routinely hold educational classes aimed at wound care health workers and the public. Held online and offline, some of the classes are free, but there are also fees.

Some of the paid events whose profits are also dedicated to patients who need help. “We hold a National Charity Webinar and an International Charity Webinar, which have been held at least five times, attended by participants from Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia, a total of 750 medical personnel caring for wounds.

We also hold online training because of the work system, working hours and positions for those in remote areas. “They need skills renewal,” said Hasyim. This step was then connected to PedisCare’s efforts to carry out a social mission considering that Indonesia has 19.5 million people with diabetes in 2021, an increase from 10.7 million in 2019.

Indonesia is now ranked fifth with the highest number of people with diabetes in the world, up from seventh in 2019. This number of course includes those who do not have access to treatment for the disease, including injuries that threaten those with high blood sugar.

So that wounds don’t end in amputation. These various activities in the educational and social sectors mark the growth of PedisCare, which has continued to thrive since it was founded by Hasyim in 2014 with two colleagues. “The initial reason was our concern about treating diabetes wounds which was far from ideal.

In fact, the number of diabetes sufferers continues to increase and is all around us. Wounds are treated with minimal tools and materials so that if progress is poor, they often end up on the operating table, where the leg is cut off. The amputation rate is very high. In fact, if you have an amputation, it will affect your self-confidence, work, personal and family function. “That’s what moved us the most,” said the alumnus of Bachelor of Nursing, Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

The operational permit was granted in early 2015, making PedisCare, which campaigns as a center for wound care, stoma, diabetes education and making prosthetic limbs, to operate in a 2-story building measuring 4×12 meters on Jalan Mayjen Panjaitan, Malang City.

“During the first 3 years of PedisCare’s existence, our main activity was providing wound care services to diabetes patients, as well as wounds that were difficult to heal, such as wounds in cancer patients, infected wounds and pressure sores.” It didn’t take long until a year later, Hasyim and his team believed themselves to share their skills and enthusiasm with their colleagues and even the lay public targeted in lay seminars.

For the public, the tips shared are prevention and treatment if you have diabetes. “We have staff called the training team whose job is to spread knowledge and wound care skills so that more health workers can master them, so that more patients can be helped.

At the same time, we also collaborate with philanthropic institutions such as Rumah Zakat and Dompet Duafa to help indigent patients recover and function again.

“Curative and preventive are equally important. Hasyim’s efforts to improve the quality of services are carried out, including through his Master of Nursing education at the University of Indonesia in 2013 and the Master of Nursing in Diabetes Management and Education at Flinders University Australia.

The knowledge and skills he then shared with the PedisCare team and nursing students from various campuses further strengthened PedisCare.

At the same time, the commitment to optimizing social media has also made PedisCare’s name even greater. “We use social media not only for branding but also by deepening our digital marketing skills, starting from optimization in market places, search engine optimization, Instagram and YouTube to increase brand and reach.

“Our team is divided into maintenance, training, marketing,” Digitalization is not only applied in targeting the market, but also in educational programs that PedisCare also continues to promote.

“At the end of 2021 we will launch many webinars, online training, hybrid,” said Hasyim, who said that PedisCare now has a website, 3 Instagram accounts, 2 YouTube channels, 2 TikTok accounts and a Facebook Business Suite account. PedisCare is now open Monday to Saturday, at 8 to 16, continues to grow until now it is guarded by 18 people in the management team.

The latest innovation, since the last 2 years, PedisCare has also run a multi-disciplinary home care service program, from wound care to physiotherapy. “The most popular is the 24-hour duty nurse, there are daily, weekly and monthly packages. Because it is multi-disciplinary, there are doctor visits, physiotherapy and others and even medical equipment rental. This service is run by 40 people.

So from the initial 3 people, in the seventh year of operation PedisCare had a total team of 60 people. “Achievements in the business sector, said Hasyim, can be seen in the turnover which since 2019 has consistently been above IDR 1 billion, even in 2021 reaching IDR 1.4 billion. “Even though the profit margin is still small, 15% maximum.

But I think it’s very good because we allocate a large percentage for staff welfare or salaries.” Not only focusing on the curative aspect, PedisCare also launched a preventive program by opening diabetes counseling both online and offline as well as free classes for the public. “For those who already have diabetes, one of the most important things is to prevent wounds, so we also launched special footwear for diabetics to prevent wounds.

Our free webinars discuss diabetes, foot care and wound prevention. Preventive steps are very important because once an injury occurs, it can spread everywhere. Not only do the conditions of their feet become increasingly rotten, but people become unable to work, they cannot support their families, and if they end up being treated in hospital, their families end up having to wait and not be able to work. Especially if it has been amputated, the family’s future is greatly affected.

“The capital to develop training and training. This series of PedisCare efforts led Hasyim to win the Satu Indonesia Award held by Astra International in the health category in 2019. “We took part in this competition to elevate the nursing profession, which is currently more commonly known as a class 2 or 3 health profession.

“We want to reverse that point of view, that nurses can excel, can get national awards, can open businesses and get income that provides prosperity,” said Hasyim, who admitted that the prizes he got were used as capital to develop the PedisCare Training team. “We got it right before the pandemic so it can be used for development.

This journey proves that we have transformed from initially practicing wound care services to now becoming a nursing center and training business. In the future, we want to open in other areas by collaborating with partners. “In the near future we will open in Kupang, NTT and Palembang, South Sumatra and hopefully in other areas so that our benefits can be felt by people in many places in Indonesia!” (X-8)

Source: Media Indonesia
