An orphaned junior high school student in Diwek District, Jombang was the victim of repeated sexual abuse using the method of checking her virginity. The perpetrator was none other than JM (46), his own uncle.
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Jombang Police, AKP Sukaca, said that all this time the victim lived in the same house as JM. Because both of the 14 year old girl’s parents have died.
“The victim lived with the perpetrator because the victim was an orphan,” Sukaca told reporters, Wednesday (8/11/2023).
Sukaca explained that the perpetrator apparently had repeatedly molested the victim from August 2021 to December 2022. To smooth out his actions, initially the suspect pretended to check the victim’s virginity.
JM carried out his depraved act near midnight when his wife was fast asleep. The suspect secretly entered his nephew’s room and forcibly molested him.
“When the victim refused, the perpetrator threatened to beat the victim so that the victim became depressed. The perpetrator also threatened that he would not feed the victim and would throw the victim out of his house,” he explained.
However, gradually, the victim dared to open his voice and told his teacher on October 18 2023. The victim’s confession was then told by his teacher to his aunt, who is the perpetrator’s wife.
“The perpetrator’s wife finally reported her husband to the Jombang Police,” said Sukaca.
After collecting sufficient evidence, a team from the Jombang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Resmob arrested JM on Tuesday (31/10) at around 05.00 WIB. The police also confiscated evidence of the victim’s clothing and post-mortem results.
As a result of his actions, JM now has to languish in the Jombang Police Detention Center. The suspect was charged under Article 82 of Republic of Indonesia Law number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection.
“The minimum penalty is 5 years, the maximum is 15 years in prison,” said Sukaca.
Source: DetikJatim