BANK DKI together with Bank BNI, Bank Muamalat, and Bank BCA who were appointed as BPD representatives together with representatives from BUMN Banks, Sharia Banks and Private Banks, pressed the button together to mark their joint commitment in launching capital market literacy and inclusion for 10,000 employees in industry. banking.
Bank DKI Director of Technology & Operations and Acting Principal Director of Bank DKI, Amirul Wicaksono, is enthusiastic about the synergy between BEI, SRO and the banking industry in an effort to increase capital market literacy and inclusion through education.
“As a first step, we made this happen through the establishment of a Digital Investment Gallery, ceremonially carried out by signing a Cooperation Agreement between Bank DKI, BEI and PT CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia, which is a means of accessing capital market information and facilitating access to stock exchange investment for the employee base and employees, as well as customers and investors.” explained Amirul in his written statement regarding the implementation of the 2023 Capital Market Summit & Expo (CMSE). The Digital Investment Gallery is a digital Investment Gallery and does not require facilities in the form of a special room.
The objectives of establishing the Digital Investment Gallery include introducing the capital market from an early age, providing understanding and investment practices in the capital market, facilitating access to published data regarding capital market developments, and as a means of direct capital market transactions.
Apart from that, the Digital Investment Gallery can also carry out activities offline face to face according to conditions and needs. Bank DKI Corporate Secretary Arie Rinaldi feels that the initiative to establish the Bank DKI Digital Investment Gallery is an innovative and progressive step in introducing various capital market investment products for customers and the wider community.
“Bank DKI hopes that this Digital Investment Gallery can provide optimal benefits for employees, customers and the community.” said Arie. Arie also invited employees and customers to visit the Bank DKI Digital Investment Gallery to experience for themselves the benefits in knowledge and management of their investment products. (ROE-1)
Source: Media Indonesia