Home » WHO Data Reveals That the Lifespan of Indonesian People is Getting Shorter
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WHO Data Reveals That the Lifespan of Indonesian People is Getting Shorter

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI) revealed that in approximately one decade, the life expectancy (UHH) of Indonesian people has decreased.

Based on data from the Global Health Observatory Data Repository from the World Health Organization (WHO), the lifespan of Indonesian people in 2022 will be shorter compared to 2010, namely to 67.6 percent from the previous 68.5 percent. If we refer to WHO data, the average age of Indonesian people in 2022 will be 67.6 years, a decrease of 0.9 years from 2010.

The Indonesian Ministry of Health revealed that there are several reasons for premature deaths in Indonesian society. Most of these causes are preventable cases.

According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health collected from the Global Burden of Diseases, there are at least 10 causes of decreasing human life expectancy in each age category, namely infants and toddlers, children, teenagers 1, teenagers 2, productive age 1, productive age 2 , and the elderly (elderly).

“We have mapped the health problems experienced by Indonesian people in every phase of their lives according to the ranking of the number of problems,” said the Director General of Public Health of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Maria Endang Sumiwi, Friday (10/11/2023).

“We calculate this problem based on the death rate, then based on the number of days lost due to being unproductive or due to death, which we call YLD,” he continued.

According to these data, the first ranked cause of death in infants and toddlers is maternal and neonatal disorders.

According to Endang, maternal and neonatal abnormalities include cases of babies born with a small body size, babies born with a low body weight, and asphyxia or reduced oxygen levels in the body.

“Then the second is nutritional deficiencies, problems related to nutrition, such as stunting, wasting, underweight. Then the third is skin and subcutaneous diseases,” explained Endang.

Then, the fourth cause of death in the infant and toddler age category is other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), followed by enteric infections which occupy the fifth position.

In contrast to infants and toddlers, enteric infections are the number one cause of death in children according to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Enteric infections are infections in the digestive tract, especially in the small intestine and large intestine due to parasites that enter through contaminated food and drink.

According to Endang, most cases of accidental death, such as accidental injuries, transportation injuries, and mental health problems begin in the children’s age category and continue into the elderly.

Based on the same data, mental health problems are ranked in the top three causes of death in the age categories of teenagers 1, teenagers 2, and productive age 1.

“Then the productive age or adult age up to the elderly is dominated by heart problems, stroke, muscle and skeletal problems, mental health, neoplasms or cancer, and also diseases of the sense organs in the elderly,” explained Endang.

“People should not be so burdened by these health problems,” he said.

Source: CNBC
