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Gibran is Outspoken That He Will Win Straight Away in One Round

Prabowo Subianto’s Vice Presidential Candidate, Gibran Rakabuming Raka is confident he will win outright in one round. Gibran expressed this during the consolidation in Lampung, Saturday (11/11/2023).

“Ladies and gentlemen, this battle is very short, but I’m sure with the enthusiasm of all of you, I’m sure we can win one round,” he said.

Quoting detik.com, he wants the ranks of the coalition parties to also have the same belief so that the mission of winning the 2024 presidential election in one round can be realized.

He also did not ignore the results of surveys conducted by a number of institutions. According to him, the survey results should also be paid attention to by the supporting parties.

If electability is superior to other candidate pairs, Gibran also asked the coalition parties not to be complacent and keep working hard.

“If the survey is good, we have to work hard too,” said Gibran.

Apart from that, he also left a message to the coalition parties not to be careless and to continue working hard to socialize the Prabowo-Gibran duet’s superior program to all Lampung people. He believes that consistency and success are capital towards a developed Indonesia.

“I always convey or voice continuity and improvement. What is clear is that there is no such thing as change or a new direction but what there is is perfection,” explained the Mayor of Solo.

Source: CNBC Indonesia
