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Indicator Survey: Najwa Shihab The Most Influential-Liked Female Figure

The latest survey by Indonesian Political Indicators revealed that Najwa Shihab is the most influential female figure in Indonesia today. It is known that the public chose Najwa Shihab as the female figure who could have the most positive impact.

“When we asked the question, which female figure was the most influential, the highest answer was Najwa Shihab,” said Principal Researcher of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi in a written statement, Sunday (12/11/2023).

He expressed this in a survey entitled ‘The Gibran Effect and Recent Electoral Dynamics’. Apart from Najwa Shihab, in this survey there were also a number of other big names, such as Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Puan Maharani, Susi Pudjiastuti, Sri Mulyani, and Yenny Wahid.

Burhanuddin explained that Najwa Shihab was in first place as the female figure considered by the public to be the most influential with a figure reaching 26.3 percent. Followed by Khofifah (11 percent), Puan (8.4 percent), then Susi (7.2 percent).

In other findings, Najwa Shihab is also the female figure most liked by the public with 34.1 percent. After Najwa Shihab, there is Khofifah with 9.4 percent, then Susi with 6.8 percent.

The Indicator Survey also captures the public’s assessment of the most popular influencers on social media. Najwa Shihab is the most liked character with a score reaching 12.5 percent. Followed by Atta Halilintar and Deddy Corbuzier with 7.9 percent, Baim Paula 6.2 percent, Andre Taulany 6.1 percent, then Ria Ricis 5.5 percent.

“When asked which Influencer or social media star is most liked or followed, Najwa Shihab was the highest with 12.5 percent,” he concluded.

For information, the national Indicator survey was conducted on 27 October-1 November 2023. There were 1,220 respondents who took part in the survey via face-to-face interviews with a confidence level of 95 percent.

Source: Detik News
