With emergency orthopedics requiring prompt treatment, many people chose for non-medical treatment instead of visiting an orthopedist.
For example, when a bone is broken or sprained many people choose to visit a masseur. In fact, massaging a fracture or sprain can damage the muscle tissue so that the injured part becomes swollen, worse, and can even cause disability.
To overcome these problems, Dr. Alif Noeriyanto Rahman, as Owner & Founder of Articular Clinic, PT Pain Inisiasi Indonesia, presents the largest Articular Clinic in Radio Dalam, South Jakarta.
Alif explained that the Articular Clinic he established is an example of an ideal orthopedic clinic.
“This articular center is our showcase, this is the ideal pain clinic like this,” said Alif in a press statement on Saturday afternoon, November 11, 2023.
Alif explained that he had previously initiated 14 clinics in various regions in Indonesia but they were still small-scale.
“This Articular Clinic is the 15th and largest, and this is an ideal clinic not only in Indonesia but in Southeast Asia with international networks, board members, government, Faculty of Medicine (FK UNPAD) and mass media we can achieve this,” said Alif.
Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Habib Abu Bakar Al Habsyi as the Advisor of the Articular Clinic shared his willingness to support the Articular Clinic after receiving treatment from doctor Alip who successfully cured him.
“I myself became a testimonial witness as a person who felt that the disease could be cured in a short time and quickly, this is what I expected.” said Habsyi.
With his busy activities as a representative of the people, Habsyi is grateful to be able to meet Doctor Alif during Umrah which continues until now so that the pain experienced can heal quickly without surgery.
“Subhanallah, meeting Doctor Alif was only given anesthesia for a while and then saw what the disease was, sucked up the disease, injected again, clear, free to walk (back),” said Habsyi.