The London School of Public Relations(LSPR) Institute officially opened a doctoral-level higher education program in Communication Science with a specialization: Public Relations Leadership Strategy Studies, with an emphasis on Scientific Practical Approach. This doctoral program in public relations is the first in Indonesia.
The Indonesian Ministry of Education through the Higher Education Service Institution (LLDikti) Region III fully supports the London School of Public Relations (LSPR) Institute to organize international-class doctoral-level higher education programs, thereby expanding access to the development of world-standard quality Indonesian human resources.
Head of LLDikti Region III Prof. Dr. Toni Taharuddin said the implementation of the communication science doctoral program by LSPR is a new milestone that we should be grateful for together, considering that higher education is an important milestone for nation-building.
“We congratulate the birth of the Doctor of Communication Science study program at our proud private university, LSPR Institute. Thus we have a golden opportunity to support intellectual growth and also in-depth and quality research in the field of communication,” said Toni Taharuddin when giving his remarks via video conference at the LSPR Doctoral Program launch event at the LSPR Campus, Jakarta, Thursday, November 23, 2023.
In front of about a hundred academicians and journalists, Toni explained the central role of communication science in the dynamics of contemporary society. Through the implementation of the doctoral program, we are committed to producing doctors who have a deep understanding of communication theory and methodology, as well as being able to apply their knowledge in the context of real life.
“We believe LSPR Institute can produce qualified resources in the field of public relations,” he said.
Founder and CEO of LSPR Institute, Prita Kemal Gani, said that the trust given to LSPR is complete because LSPR Institute has the full level of higher education needed by the community for undergraduate and post-graduate (master and doctoral) level programs.
“LSPR Institute now has a greater opportunity to meet the higher education standards required not only for the needs of the national work industry but also the ability of graduates with world-class insight,” said the Indonesian public relations figure.
The trust given, said Prita Kemal Gani, is inseparable from the contribution of LSPR Institute graduates in various organizations, government agencies, and national and international corporations so far. Through the doctoral level program, LSPR Institute can contribute knowledge and thoughts that are even higher and more strategic.
“By bringing in World Class Professors, namely ‘PR Teachers’, and ‘Leadership Teachers’, we will be able to produce graduates with global insight so that they can compete with other professional challenges from abroad. This will further strengthen our competitive advantage,” said the President of ASEAN Public Relations Network.
Dr. Andre Ikhsano said that he was very grateful for the issuance of the permit for the Communication Science Doctoral Study Program at the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business. This study program is designed to meet the demands of the times that continue to develop in the digital era.
“The carefully structured curriculum will allow Doctoral Program students to gain an in-depth understanding of various aspects of communication, especially public relations and leadership. This is also a significant step forward for the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business in achieving our vision and mission to become a center of higher education that excels and contributes significantly to the development of society and the nation,” he said.