Home » Surabaya DPRD Sets 2024 APBD IDR 10.98 T, Adi Sutarwijono: All Thanks to Citizen Participation
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Surabaya DPRD Sets 2024 APBD IDR 10.98 T, Adi Sutarwijono: All Thanks to Citizen Participation

The 2024 Surabaya City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) will be ratified on Heroes’ Day, Friday (10/11/2023) today.

Surabaya City DPRD and Mayor Eri Cahyadi will determine the APBD through the DPRD Plenary Meeting. The projected spending power is IDR 10.984 trillion.

The budget posture was decided at a meeting of the DPRD Budget Board with the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) Budget Team, Wednesday (8/11/2023). It has become a regular practice for the City of Surabaya to determine a pure APBD the following year on Heroes’ Day.

On that historic day, 10 November 1945, the Suroboyo areks bravely, with steely determination, full of sacrifice of body and soul, in defending Indonesia’s new independence for a lifetime.

“We set the 2024 APBD right on Heroes’ Day, like in previous years. We honor the heroic spirit and patriotism of the people of Suroboyo. “Upholding Indonesia’s independence, which at that time had only been a few months since Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed it on August 17 1945,” said Adi Sutarwijono, Chairman of the Surabaya City DPRD, Thursday (9/11/2023).

By determining the Surabaya APBD earlier, city government officials can prepare more thoroughly for Surabaya’s programs and activities next year. Furthermore, on January 2 2024, the APBD can run effectively.

The success of determining the Surabaya APBD was thanks to the solidarity and cooperation of all parties. Between the leadership and all legislative members, synergy between all factions, as well as between the Surabaya DPRD and the Mayor Eri Cahyadi, Deputy Mayor Armuji and all Surabaya City Government officials.

“And, what is more important is thanks to the participation of all the people of the City of Surabaya, who care for and love this City of Heroes,” said Adi, who is also Chair of the Surabaya PDIP DPC.

Touch All Regions

Surabaya City development programs are prepared through input, suggestions and ideas from various community representation in the villages, which are gathered through development planning deliberations.

Apart from that, it was also carried out through a network of community aspirations carried out by 50 DPRD members. Also through informal meetings with community members in various villages and settlements.

“Development touches all areas of Surabaya, touches all levels of society, involves all villages and settlements, and covers various government matters,” explained Cak Awi, Adi Sutarwijono’s nickname.

He said that Surabaya was lucky to have large APBD powers. The strength of the APBD is supported by good human resources, a service system that continues to improve, and great leadership at all levels.

“What makes us proud is that Surabaya’s progress is driven by great and extraordinary community participation,” said Adi.

In his experience of meeting community members in many villages and various regions, Adi found the enthusiasm and spirit of mutual cooperation among community members manifested in efforts to improve the environment and public infrastructure.

“Extraordinary! The love of the community for the village and the city of Surabaya. “Community residents are actively fighting for various development proposals,” concluded Ad Sutarwijono.

Source: TribunJatim.com
