Home » Chairman of DPD RI Discusses the Importance of Returning to the State System According to Pancasila With East Java Police Chief
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Chairman of DPD RI Discusses the Importance of Returning to the State System According to Pancasila With East Java Police Chief

Chairman of the House of Representatives(DPD) RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti held a meeting with the East Java Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Drs. Imam Sugianto, M.Si in East Java. During the meeting, LaNyalla discussed various matters, one of which was the enthusiasm voiced by various elements of society to return the state system to the original Constitution’45 script which was guided by Pancasila.

LaNyalla said that Indonesian constitutional practice since the reform era had left Pancasila as the basis of the state system.

“I remain istiqomah with this struggle. Because from all studies that the Constitution as a result of changes in 1999 to 2002 has changed 95 percent of the contents of the Articles of the 1945 Constitution established on August 18, 1945. This has caused the reformed constitution to abandon Pancasila as the highest legal norm. This is dangerous for the future of our nation, “LaNyalla said in East Java on Friday, November 17, 2023.

Currently, the sovereignty and incarnation of the people are replaced by the sovereignty of political parties. The economy with the school of equity and welfare has also been replaced by a growth economy.

This nation, continued LaNyalla, needs a more perfect constitutional system and state system that truly embodies all the people. That is the state system formulated by the founding fathers. Namely the Pancasila democratic system and the Pancasila economic system.

This is what then sparked a collective movement from various elements of society to urge the MPR to hold an MPR Session with a single agenda to restore the Indonesian state system according to the formulation of the founding fathers of the nation as contained in the original 1945 Constitution or before the amendments made in 1999 to 2002 ago.

The call was officially submitted by the Constitutional Presidium on November 10. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia VI General TNI (Ret) Try Sutrisno as Chairman of the Constitutional Presidium Council read the edict in front of 1,349 elements of the people in Nusantara IV Building Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta.

“DPD RI has also taken an institutional stance to offer state proposals to all stakeholders of the nation, to return to the state system according to the formulation of the founding fathers. Then strengthened and refined by making amendments with addendum techniques, so as not to replace the construction of the original Indonesian state system. Now the chairman is Mr. Tri Sutrisno. So please pray that this struggle continues, “said LaNyalla. 

LaNyalla is optimistic, that with the support of the National Police, the life of the state and society will be safer and more comfortable. On that occasion, LaNyalla also conveyed the importance of maintaining a situation of security and comfort ahead of the political year. This spirit continues to be voiced by DPD in various regions.

